How to Defend Yourself

How to Defend Yourself

Liliana Padilla

How to Defend Yourself

How to Defend Yourself

Liliana Padilla


Seven college students gather for a DIY self-defense workshop after a sorority sister is raped. They learn how to “not be a victim,” how to use their bodies as weapons, how to fend off attackers. The form of self-defense becomes a channel for their rage, trauma, confusion, anxiety and desire – lots of desire. Challenged to determine what they want and how to ask for it, the students must ultimately face the insidious ways rape culture steals one's body and sense of belonging.

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  • Caution Alcohol Alcohol
  • Caution Intense Adult Intense Adult Themes
  • Caution Strong Language Strong Language


  • Time Period: Contemporary, Present Day
  • Cast Attributes: Role(s) for Black Actor(s), Role(s) for Latino Actor(s), Roles for Children
  • Target Audience: Adult



Liliana Padilla